Lace wig with a pre - plucked hairline for a more natural lookBody Wave 13x4 Full Frontal Lace Wig Dome Cap 180% 10A Human Hair 16 ~ 28 inch Small Bleached Knots Transparent Lace

Length 16" with Bleached Knots 18" with Bleached Knots 20" with Bleached Knots 22" with Bleached Knots 24" with Bleached Knots 26"with Bleached Knots 28" with Bleached Knots 30" with Bleached Knots

Expertly crafted to elevate your style, our Body Wave 13x4 Full Frontal Lace Wig is made from 100% human hair. The natural hairline with baby hair adds a touch of realism. You have the freedom to dye, bleach, straighten, and curl the hair as you please, making it the perfect addition to your hair collection. 


LACE WIG TYPE13x4 Full Frontal Lace Wig
HAIRLINEPre-plucked with bleached knots 
HAIR COLORNatural Black
LACE TYPETransparent lace
GLUELESSCan be worn glueless
CAP CONSTRUCTION: 13X4 Lace Frontal, dome back is made of soft elastic material